What We Do

The Corporate, Foundation, and Sponsored Research Support Department is part of Lawrence University’s Office of Development and works to support the university’s fund raising efforts, primarily through grants for faculty research and for larger institutional projects. Acting as a clearinghouse for all grant submissions, we work collaboratively with the Office of the President, the Provost's Office, and faculty members to ensure that all proposals conform to the funder’s guidelines, fit the mission of the university, and reflect the high standards for which Lawrence is known.

This site provides links to the policies and procedures for obtaining funding, as well as advice on proposal writing.
Link to guidelines
Link to procedures


Proposal Writing
The CFSR Office helps with the preparation and writing of proposals for both institutional projects and sponsored research for the faculty. As the faculty members are best able to show the passion and expertise for their own projects, they are expected to take the lead role in writing their proposal, but we will assist in organizing a strategy, polishing the narrative, proofreading, ensuring that the proposal meets all RFP guidelines and priorities, and the submission process.
Link to external grant procedures
Tips for writing a great proposal


Identify Funding Opportunities
The first step in obtaining funding for your project is to determine where to apply. Funds for projects can come from internal or external sources. If you need only a small amount of money for travel, workshops, etc., contact the Provost’s Office or the associate dean of the faculty to see if there is anything available that would fit your needs.
Link to Provost’s Office
Link to internal grant procedures

Most of the funding that Lawrence receives through this office comes from external sources. These include private foundations, government agencies, and corporate foundations.  The CFSR Office has a wide range of research tools to help you locate funding for your academic projects.


Corporate Partnership Program
The CFSR department also solicits funds from the local business community that are generally designated for the Lawrence Fund. Committed to maintaining strong partnerships with the business community in the Fox Valley, it is our goal to foster these relationships by making personal visits with the area’s business leaders and sending out a biannual solicitation letter.


Faculty Development
The CFSR Department also keeps the faculty of Lawrence informed and educated on the world of grant seeking. We host several informative luncheons throughout the year dealing with various aspects of grantsmanship, taking some of the mystery out of grant seeking.

We also put out a periodic newsletter to keep the Lawrence campus up-to-date on recent grants received by Lawrence and its faculty.
Link to newsletter



External Grants


Contact Information

Grants Management

Internal Grants and Travel


Tips on Writing Grant Proposals